Thursday, July 3, 2008

Saturday, June 28

I, along with several other QLF interns spent the night on an island 30 minutes from the Quebec mainland. Dwight, a friend of QLF who lives in Old Fort, brought us to Dog Island, where he and some of his 17 siblings have summer houses. Numerous shipwrecks, dating back to when the French came to Quebec, surround Dog Island.

We played many games that turned out to be a lot of fun. Bat and ball was similar to whiffleball but consisted of two bases and a wooden stick for a bat. We also hiked the hills. The views were breathtaking. This untouched land is unlike anything I have ever seen before. With no electricity, we lived a simple, relaxed life one night. Nighttime came and it became really cold. I put on two jackets and roasted marshmallows by the campfire. We got up early in the morning and explored the caves and rocky hills again.

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